And Are YOU or your client a victim of a questionable appraised value of a property? REMEMBER: Dear Client:
If we can assist you in correcting the wrong that has been done, then allow us to assist you. For a confidential interview to discuss the merits of your case please call:
Our fees are as follows:
Complete appraisal review Single Family Residence: $250.00
Complete appraisal review Two, Three and Four Family Residence: $325.00
Complete Condo Review: $250.00
Complete Coop Review: $275.00* *plus any expense for coop questionnaire
Rebuttal Letters $150.00
Letter to License, Lender, Appraiser $125.00
Complete Summary Appraisal Reports:
1 Family: $375.00+
2 Family: $475.00+
3 Family: $525.00+
4 Family: $600.00+
Over 4 family and mixed use Call
Commercial/Industrial Appraisal/Review Call
Condo Unit: $375.00+ Coop Appraisal (fee plus cost of questionnaire) $375.00+ Call J.Richard Greco DON’T FORGET TO ASK ABOUT OUR REAL PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT and please read the revisions put in place by the DODD-FRANK PUBLIC LAW 111-203 APPRAISAL INDEPENDENCE REQUIREMENTS
Welcome to RICHARD GRECO APPRAISALS and our appraisal rebuttal valuation page. RICHARD GRECO APPRAISALS is an independent appraisal firm meeting the “Appraisal Independence Requirements” of the Public Law 111-203 established November 1, 2010 (15 U.S.C. 1631, Section 129 G,Truth in Lending Act) replacing the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) Our compliancy center around: Interior and Exterior cellar to roof appraisal inspections FHA and VA Appraisers Certified in New York and Connecticut Second Appraisal requirements of appraisals over 180 days old or as required for current acquisition when price is lower than previous sales price; Full compliance with Uniform Standards of Professional Practice and Title XI of the Financial Institutions Recovery, Reform and Enforcement Act of 1989; Appraisal Independence Compliance with The Board, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration Board, the Federal Housing Finance Agency AND REALTORS, THIS IS ONE SEGMENT OF THE APPRAISAL INDEPENDENCE REQUIREMENTS THE LENDERS WILL NEVER TELL YOU: Under the Dodd-Frank (Public Law 111-203) and pursuant to TILA, 15 U.S.C. 1631, the consumer applicant is required to be notified at the time of application by the creditor that they can order a separate appraisal at their own expense. Should the applicant choose to have a separate appraisal conducted in compliance with TILA 15 U.S.C 1631 we will be more than pleased to assist the consumer applicant. Please review section (e) below concerning Violations of not allowing an applicant the opportunity to choose to have a separate appraisal. This most certainly is an important professional tool when your client needs to challenge an appraisal ordered by the lender (creditor). Below for your review are the actual excerpts from Public Law 111-203: ``(d) Consumer Notification.--At the time of the initial mortgage application, the applicant shall be provided with a statement by the creditor that any appraisal prepared for the mortgage is for the sole use of the creditor, and that the applicant may choose to have a separate appraisal conducted at the expense of the applicant. ``(e) Violations.--In addition to any other liability to any person under this title, a creditor found to have willfully failed to obtain an appraisal as required in this section shall be liable to the applicant or borrower for the sum of $2,000. As such, if your client had a lender order an appraisal, as opposed to HVCC, they can now “LEGALLY” choose to have a separate appraisal. When the time comes for your client to order a separate appraisal, we at RICHARD GRECO APPRAISALS will be more than pleased to assist your client with the review and or second opinion of value. Thank you, Richard Greco
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